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Reconstructing readiness: Young children’s priorities for their early school adjustment

This video provides an overview of the Children’s Thoughts about School Study (CTSS).

CTSS was integrated into the evaluation of a community-led initiative called Preparing for Life (PFL) run by the UCD Geary Institute. The PFL aimed to improve levels of school readiness for children living in several disadvantaged areas of Dublin, Ireland. In the CTSS study, we wanted to find out more about what matters to children themselves when they start school.

This research project was run across PEDAL, University College Dublin, The Open University, and Imperial College London. The journal article linked below was authored by Dr Christine O’Farrelly, Dr Ailbhe Booth, Dr Beth Barker, and Dr Mimi Tatlow-Golden.

This video was created in January 2019.

Journal Article

Click here to read the full research paper, published in Early Childhood Research Quarterly.