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Harnessing New Technology to Better Understand the Family Language Environment

In this PEDAL presentation, Dr Elian Fink talks about the collaborative project Baby Talk, where they used a light-weight wearable pedometer to record infant-caregiver interactions.

Play interactions between infant and caregiver have been studied in developmental psychology under many guises, including attachment behaviours, parental sensitivity and scaffolding. Baby Talk aimed to explore the association between infant-parent play at 4 months of age and the child’s linguistic environment in the home.

Using a ‘talk-pedometer’ – a lightweight audio recorder worn by the child, able to record 16 hours of audio, researchers were able to measure adult word count, infant babbles and parent-infant turn-taking. Understanding the association between parent-infant play and language will help broaden our understanding of the function of play in early life.

This seminar was recorded on the 11th September 2017.

Harnessing New Technology to Better Understand the Family Language Environment

Click here to watch this presentation via our YouTube channel.