Early intervention is about taking action as soon as possible to tackle problems for children and families before they become more difficult to reverse. We focus on conception to early adulthood because intervention is not just about the early years but also about preventing adolescents and young adults from developing problems. When a young person is developing and growing up, this is a crucial opportunity to provide them with the skills and support they need. It is much more difficult if they have dropped out of school, become involved with youth crime or developed a serious mental health problem. Early intervention involves identifying children and families that may be at risk of running into difficulties and providing timely and effective support. We want every family to develop an intergenerational cycle of positive parenting, relationships and behaviour. Early intervention is about enhancing the capabilities of every parent to provide a supportive and enriching environment for their children to grow up in. Then the next generation has the best chance to flourish with the skills to engage in positive parenting themselves. Its purpose is to improve the life chances of children and families and benefit society at large, whilst being cost-effective.