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Category: Autism & Neurodiversity

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Supporting play for neurodivergent children

5 December 2023

In this PEDAL Conference 2023 recording, we hear from Kerry Murphy (Goldsmiths, University of London) and Dr Gina Gomez de la Cuesta and Abi Dodson (Play Included) share their expertise on play and its significance in diverse child development.

Diversity in autistic play: Autistic adults’ experiences

12 September 2023

In this research, we take a neurodiversity-informed approach to understanding autistic play. This means understanding autistic play in terms of differences, strengths and difficulties rather than simply deficits. We also focus on what autistic people say about their play. We were interested in how autistic adults experience play, as well as how they think their play is different to non-autistic play. 

INSAR 2023: Professionals’ perspectives on strengths-based autism diagnostic assessment

6 May 2023

Neurodiversity-informed approaches enable us to move away from simply understanding autism in terms of difficulties. In this video, PEDAL PhD student Emma Pritchard-Rowe presents a summary of her research on professionals’ perspectives of holistic, strengths-based approaches to diagnostic assessment – which can have a positive impact on autistic people’s wellbeing and enhance the support available […]

INSAR 2023: Autistic adults’ perspectives and experiences of play-based assessments

5 May 2023

Neurodiversity-informed & strengths-based approaches can help enrich our understanding of autistic play and the diverse array of strengths that autistic people have. In this video, PEDAL PhD student Emma Pritchard-Rowe presents a summary of her research on autistic adults’ experiences of play-based assessments. This poster was originally presented at the International Society for Autism Research […]

Play in South African autism schools: why are formalised ethical processes important?

3 May 2023

Why are culturally sensitive approaches to research ethics so important?

ITAKOM Conference 2023: Moving towards a strengths-based approach to autism diagnostic assessment

16 March 2023

Neurodiversity-informed approaches enable us to move away from simply understanding autism in terms of difficulties. In this video, PEDAL PhD student Emma Pritchard-Rowe presents a summary of her research on holistic, strengths-based approaches to diagnostic assessment which centre autistic voices & have a positive impact on autistic people’s wellbeing and self-esteem. This poster was originally […]

Using LEGO Bricks to Support Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Neurodivergent Children

8 September 2022

Play Included is a social enterprise on a mission to create effective play-based development programmes for children – empowering professionals, enabling parents and families and building community. In this presentation, Dr Gina Gomez de la Cuesta introduces the Brick-by-Brick® programme, which provides opportunities for neurodivergent children to develop their social and emotional skills through collaborative […]

Moving toward a strengths-based understanding of autistic people’s play

6 July 2022

How do autistic adults experience and view their play?