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Category: Communication & Language Development
Play in the face of adversity
1 November 2023
Read our paper for the Scottish Children's Commissioner about the value of play for children in the asylum seeking system.
Early Years Library
9 January 2023
Learn more about these free resources designed to help early childhood education practitioners support young children’s development of essential skills.
Using LEGO Bricks to Support Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Neurodivergent Children
8 September 2022
Play Included is a social enterprise on a mission to create effective play-based development programmes for children – empowering professionals, enabling parents and families and building community. In this presentation, Dr Gina Gomez de la Cuesta introduces the Brick-by-Brick® programme, which provides opportunities for neurodivergent children to develop their social and emotional skills through collaborative […]
B: Building Blocks: The power of the brick
6 July 2022
How can block play support children's development?
C: Connected communication: Talking about play
6 July 2022
What do we mean by ‘connected communication’ and what does it look like during children’s play?
E: Executive functions and their role in games
6 July 2022
How do everyday activities and games use children's executive functions?
G: Games in the classroom: Creativity, cognition and the curriculum
6 July 2022
How can games facilitate classroom engagement and children's learning?
I: Infants and play: Do babies learn through play?
6 July 2022
Do babies learn through play? The evidence tells us they do but we still have much to learn...
S: Social play and its importance – it takes two!
6 July 2022
What skills do children need to play together and how can we help them along the way?